Did you know crop stubbles grown in Australia could provide about three billion ewe grazing days, or enough forage to feed Australia’s 65 million sheep flock for six weeks?
Most broadacre crops are grown in mixed farming areas, where cropping and livestock enterprises are combined. In these areas, stubbles make up an important part of the seasonal feedbase.
MLA and Australian Wool Innovation have co-funded the Modern Stubbles project to help producers understand how to effectively graze sheep on stubbles. Here, project lead researcher, Dr Dean Thomas from the CSIRO, gives his five tips for grazing sheep on stubbles.
The Modern Stubbles project will develop a stubble grazing calculator. This excel-based tool will allow stubble grazing scenarios to be entered so producers can predict the likely live weight gain based on:
Further testing of the stubble grazing calculator is now being planned to ensure it is ready for wide scale use by industry.
Nutramix is an Australian stockfeed and agri-processing businesses in Queensland and New South Wales. Operating since 2001, our head office and premix plant is based at Warwick, Qld
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