Our NutraBreeder is a high energy and protein supplement that meets all the mineral requirements of breeders during times where protein and energy are limiting to production. This product is cost effective with supplementation as little as 33c/h/day
Breeders in phosphorus deficient country require increased levels of phosphorus during dry times to help replenish bone reserves. NutraBreeder HiPhos is the perfect supplement to increase protein and energy intake, whilst suppyling phosphorus for breeder health and reproductive management.
Beef Promix has the highest micromineral and trace element analysis of any dry season supplement on offer. This supplement is the best dry season breeder supplement available with the benefits of high protein and energy, complemented with high minerals.
Designed for ruminants grazing dry pastures where protein is the most limiting nutrient. Improving rumen passage rate and increasing dry forage intake is key to maintaining a healthy rumen and increasing productivity.
NutraGraze is the ideal low cost product for all classes of stock.
Formulated to improve conception rates, improve herd health, eliminate nutritional deficiencies and improve growth rates of weaners. This product can be fed prior to joining or continuously throughout the year.
One of the best products on the market in delivering high phosphorus to breeders during times when phosphorus in limiting to production
NutraBreeder is a high phosphorous dry lick with adequate amounts of protein to improve breeder condition on dry, low quality feed whilst maintaining high phosphorous intakes on phosphorous deficient pastures.
Premium product providing 10% phosphorous to breeders during the wet season with high levels of trace minerals for improved reproductive performance.
Designed for ruminants grazing lush forage crops or green pastures where minerals are the most limiting nutrient. Slowing rumen passage rate and decreased scours on green forage is key to maintaining a healthy rumen and increasing productivity.
One of the best products on the market in delivering high levels of Sulphur to ruminants grazing forage sorghum crops to help prevent prussic acid poisoning.
Bloat Boss is a multi-action lick to help manage and reduce bloat incidence on pastures and crops. This palatable, self limiting lick is ideal to feed consistently on pasture with enhanced trace minerals and vitamins for improved production.
An ideal supplement to fatten all classes of stock in the paddock. Nutra boost contains no grain and is based on high quality protein meal, providing high bypass protein for improved weight gain. Young stock respond to higher quality protein such as protein meals (bypass protein) and therefore high growth rates can be achieved.
Contains 20% barley and is based on high quality protein meal, providing high bypass protein for improved weight gain. Younger stock respond well to high bypass protein supplements. Barley provides a small amount of high digestible starch, which promotes higher growth rates, without causing metabolic issues
Mega Boost is a high energy, self-limiting supplement that is ideal for continued growth of young stock over 4 months of age, for survival and production in breeders and for finishing dry adult stock
A premium quality, high protein and energy, dry season supplement formulated to enhance growth rates of steers, heifers and sheep. Production Plus is an ideal product for backgrounding stock and growing out cattle or sheep.
Designed for ruminants grazing dry pastures where minerals are the most limiting nutrient. Improving rumen passage rate and increasing dry forage is key to maintaining a healthy rumen and increasing productivity. NutraGraze is the ideal low cost product for all classes of stock.
Nutramix is an Australian stockfeed and agri-processing businesses in Queensland and New South Wales. Operating since 2001, our head office and premix plant is based at Warwick, Qld
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